Scannere 3D

Skyline Range

Zephyr II range

Solano Blue

Solano CMM


Blue Laser

Kreon Technologies was the first to develop blue laser technology. Its main benefit being the ability to scan reflective surfaces without damaging them or using any surface preparation materials. We are the world leaders, continuously striving to provide the most efficient, high performance blue laser scanners, Solano Blue and Zephyr II Blue, at the most competitive prices.

Kreon Patent

We have a patented system: our 3D scanners can be equipped with a probe, which means that there is no need to disconnect your scanner when changing from scanning to probing and vice versa. The flexibility of our scanners saves time and ensures reliable 3D measurements.


Strada Depozitelor, nr. 14B, Pitesti, Judetul Arges

DCA Dimensional Control:

Departament vanzari: +(40) 729 996 049

Departament financiar: +(40) 787 460 710

Departament resurse umane: +(40) 787 451 347

Departament productie: +(40) 766 521 723

Proiect in derulare: hala de productie 2000 m² si spatii birouri 1000 m². (Disponibil 2024).


Copyright 2019 DCA Dimensional Control