3D scanner: Solano CMM

3D scanner: Solano CMM

Affordable scanning on CMM

The Solano CMM 3D scanner is equipped with a red laser and enables to scan most of industrial parts with a good accuracy and a high scanning speed.Moreover, like Zephyr II range of products, a Renishaw TP 2/20/200 probe can be added to the scanner, enabling then a unique contact/non contact measurement mix.

Solano CMM

Machine specifications

Machine interface

Renishaw compatibility

Probe compatibility under the scanner

PC communication

Driven CMMs

MIH, PH10T, PH10M/MQ Multiwire and IS1-2

Renishaw TP 2/20/200


3D scanner specifications

Line resolution

Stand-off distance

Field of view


Temperature Compensation

Laser Class

140 µm

100 mm

100 mm



Red, Class 2m


Strada Depozitelor, nr. 14B, Pitesti, Judetul Arges

DCA Dimensional Control: office@metrologie3d.ro

Departament vanzari: +(40) 729 996 049

Departament financiar: +(40) 787 460 710

Departament resurse umane: +(40) 787 451 347

Departament productie: +(40) 766 521 723

Proiect in derulare: hala de productie 2000 m² si spatii birouri 1000 m². (Disponibil 2024).


Copyright 2019 DCA Dimensional Control